Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Measure [SA] "Songs About People...And Fruit N' Shit"

Well, I'll start this article with a little honesty; When I was younger, say....14 or 15, I listened to pretty much nothing but Hardcore, Grindcore, Powerviolence, and the like. The more incoherent the music the better. I'm closing in on 19 years now, damn near 20 years old, and I can only stand a select handful of those bands. These days I listen to so much Pop-Punk that my foot is caught tapping at any given moment, I have blue hair, and I give a shit about stuff. Now that I've poked fun at the walking cliche that is myself these days, I should probably get to the point. I'm a bit behind the stampede on this one (try 2ish years) but I might as well review it. It's quite good, but I'm sure you want more than that.

The Measure [SA] is a Pop Punk band from New Jersey signed to Don Giovanni Records, and what a good band they are. This is one of those bands that I heard about but never got into, and I'm surprised I never did. These songs written very well, with a lot more structural complexity than your average Punk band these days. The "Two Lead Singers" thing always manages to catch me with any band. Guitarist Lauren Measure and new (to this record) drummer Mikey Erg (of....do I even need to say it) mesh together perfectly as vocalists. I'd like to assume both take lyrical authority in The Measure, and the lyrics are very good. The best song on the record is a tie between "Drunk By Noon" and "Hello Bastards," both of which deliver the recommended dose of catch (shoot me please).

I give this album/ep/record/thing a 3.5 out of 5


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